电子邮件: ihui32@sysu.edu.cn
导师类型: 博士生导师







  1. 国家自然基金面上项目: 《迟缓爱德华氏菌宿主整合因子调节TolC耐药外排泵的研究》(31772888),2018.01-2021.12
  2. 国家自然基金面上项目: 《溶藻弧菌NQR蛋白复合物耐药的研究》(31472283),2015.01-2019.12
  3. 广东省自然科学基金-重大基础研究培育项目: 《弧菌质子动力势产生关键酶的耐药机制与调节研究》(2015A030308009),2015.8-2019.8
  4. 国家自然基金面上项目: 《弧菌和迟钝爱德华菌 DNA 改组多价疫苗及其分子机制(31272702)2013.01-2016.12
  5. 国家“973”计划课题子课题:鱼类疫病免疫防治的系统疫苗学原理与技术途径(2012CB114406),2012.1-2016.12
  6. 国家自然基金面上项目: 《溶藻弧菌外膜耐药功能蛋白组的研究(40976080)2010.01-2012.12
  7. 国家863重点项目子课题: 《迟钝爱德华氏菌毒力相关功能基因研究及疫苗开发 (2008AA092501), 2009.7-2012.12
  8. 国家863重点项目:《海水养殖鱼类OmpA免疫增强剂的应用研究》(2007AA091405)2007.12-2010.12
  9. 国家“973”计划课题子课题:《鱼类多价疫苗的设计与应用策略》(2006CB101807),  2006-2010



  1. Zhang S, Yang MJ, Peng B, Peng XX, Li H*. Reduced ROS-mediated antibiotic resistance and its reverting by glucose in Vibrio alginolyticus.Environ Microbiol, 2020, DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.15085
  2. Li L, Peng B, Peng XX*,Li H*.Metabolic mechanism of colistin resistance and its reverting in Vibrio alginolyticus. Environ Microbiol, 2020.          DOI:10.1111/1462-2920.15021
  3. Yang MJ, Xu D, Yang DX, Li L,Peng XX, Cheng ZG*, Li H*. Malate enhances survival of zebrafish to Vibrio alginolyticus infection in the same manner of taurine. Virulence,2020,11(1):349-364.
  4. Su YB, Kuang SF, Peng XX, Li H*. The depressed P cycle contributes to the acquisition of ampicillin resistance in Edwardsiella piscicidaJ Proteomics. 2020,10;212:103562.
  5. Li L, Song M, Peng B,Peng XX, Li H*.Identification and innate immunity mechanism of protective immunogens from extracellular proteins ofEdwardsiella tardaFish Shellfish Immunol. 2020,97:41-45
  6. Cheng ZX#, Guo C#,Chen ZG#, Yang TC, Zhang JY, Wang J, Zhu JX, Li D, Zhang TT*, Li H*, Peng B* and Peng XX*. Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism confounds efficacy of complement-mediated killing. Nat Commun 2019, 10:3325.
  7. Zhang S, Wang J, Jiang M, Xu D,Peng B, Peng XX, Li H. Reduced redox-dependent mechanism and glucose-mediated reversal in gentamicin-resistant Vibrio alginolyticus. Environ Microbiol, 2019,21(12): 4724-4739
  8. Peng B, Li H*, Peng XX*. Proteomics approach to understand bacterial antibiotic resistance strategies. Expert Review of Proteomics,2019, 16(10): 829-839 
  9. Liu SR, Peng XX*, Li H*. Metabolic mechanism of ceftazidime resistance in Vibrio alginolyticus. Infection and Drug Resistance 2019,12:417-429
  10. Wen Q,Liu XJ, Zhu  WC, Li L, Li MY, Peng XX, Li H*. Characterization of balofloxacin-stressed proteomics and identification of balofloxacin-binding proteins pre-peptidase and integration host factor in Edwardsiella tarda.  J Proteomics,2019,205:103413
  11. Xu D, Wang J, Guo C, Peng XX, Li H*. Elevated biosynthesis of palmitic acid is required for zebrafish against Edwardsiella tarda infection. Fish Shellfish Immunology, 2019,2:508-518
  12. Yang J, Cheng ZX#, Zeng ZH, Yang MJ, Li D, Lai SS, Peng XX, Li H*. NaCl promotes antibiotic resistance through reducing redox states in Vibrio alginolyticus. Environ Microbiol, 2018,20(11):4022-4036
  13. Peng B, Lin XP, Wang SN, Yang MJ, Peng XX, Li H*. Polyvalent protective immunogens identified from outer membrane proteins of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and their induced innate immune response. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2018,72:104-110 
  14. Wang SNCheng ZXLing XPChu XPeng XX*, Li H* Construction, immune protection and innate immune response of shuffled polyvalent ompAs vaccines. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2018,74:325-331    
  15. Su YB#, Peng B#, Li H#, Cheng ZX#, Zhang TT, Zhu JX, Li D, Li MY, Ye JZ, Du CC, Zhang S, Zhao XL, Yang MJ, Peng XX*. Pyruvate cycle increases aminoglycoside efficacy and provides respiratory energy in bacteria. PNAS  2018,115 (7): E1578-E1587 
  16. Cheng ZX, Chu X, Wang SN, Peng XX*, Li H*. Six of ompA genes family shuffling for development of polyvalent vaccines against Vibrio alginolyticus and Edwardsiella tardaFish Shellfish Immunol. 2018,75:308-315   
  17. Yang MJ, Cheng ZX, Jiang M, Zeng ZH, Peng B, Peng XX, Li H*. Boosted TCA cycle enhances survival of zebrafish to Vibrio alginolyticusinfection. Virulence,2018.9(1):634-644
  18. Zhang DF, Ye JZ, Dai HH, Lin XM, Li H*, Peng XX*. Identification of ethanol tolerant outer membrane proteome reveals OmpC-dependent mechanism in a manner of EnvZ/OmpR regulation in Escherichia coli. J Proteomics 2018,179:92-99    
  19. Cheng ZX, Yang MJ, Peng B, Peng XX, Lin XM*, Li H*. The depressing central carbon and energy metabolisms mediate levofloxacin resistance inVibrio alginolyticusJ Proteomics  2018, 181:83-91
  20. Liu X, Yang MJ, Li H*, Peng XX*. Differential antibody responses to outer membrane proteins contribute to differential immune protections between live and inactivated Vibrio parahaemolyticus. J Proteome Res. 2018,17:2987-2994
  21. Li H#Zhu QF#Peng XXPeng B*. Interactome of E. piscicida and grouper liver proteins reveals strategies of bacterial infection and host immune response. Sci. Rep.2017, 7:39824   
  22. Li H#*, Chu X, Li D, Zeng ZH, Peng XX*. Construction and immune protection evaluation of recombinant polyvalent OmpAs derived from genetically divergent ompA by DNA shuffling. Fish Shellfish Immunol.2016,49:230-236
  23. Peng B#, Su YB#, Li H#, Han Y, Guo C, Tian YM, Peng XX*. Exogenous alanine and/or Glucose plus kanamycin kills antibiotic-resistant bacteria.Cell Metab. 2015, 21(2):249-261  
  24. Peng B, Ma YM, Zhang JY, Li H*. Metabolome strategy against Edwardsiella tarda infection through glucose-enhanced metabolic modulation intilapiasFish Shellfish Immunol. 2015,45:869-876
  25. Ma YM, Yang MJ, Wang SY, Li H*, Peng XX*. Liver functional metabolomics discloses an action of L-leucine against Streptococcus iniae infection in tilapiasFish Shellfish Immunol. 2015,45:414-421
  26. Peng B, Li H, Peng XX*. Functional metabolomics: from biomarker discovery to metabolome reprogramming. Protein cell 2015,6(9):628-637
  27. Guo CPeng BSong MWu CWYang MJZhang JYLi H*. Live Edwardsiella tarda vaccine enhances innate immunity by metabolic modulation in zebrafish.  Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2015,47(2):664-673
  28. Zhao XL, Wu CW, Peng XX*, Li H*. Interferon-α2b against microbes through promoting biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids. J Proteome Res. 2014,13(9):4155-4163
  29. Cheng ZXMa YMLi H*, Peng XX*. N-acetylglucosamine enhances survival ability of tilapias infected by Streptococcus iniaeFish Shellfish Immunol. 2014,40:524-530
  30. Song M, Xie J, Peng XX, Li H*. Identification of protective immunogens from extracellular secretome of Edwardsiella tarda. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2013,35(6): 1932-1936
  31. Liu XShe XTZhu QFLi H*, Peng XX*. Heterogeneous interactome between Litopenaeus vannamei plasma proteins and Vibrio parahaemolyticus outer membrane proteins. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2013,34(1):192-198
  32. Zhang HL, Liu XJ, Zhang BW, Peng XX, Li H*. Amphioxus CaVPT and creatine kinase are crucial immune-related molecules in response to bacterial infection and mmunization. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2012, 33:1139-1148
  33. Li H, Pan JY, Liu XJ, Gao JX, Wu HK, Wang C, Peng XX*.Alterations of protein complexes and pathways in genetic information flow and response to stimulus contribute to Escherichia coli resistance to balofloxacin. Mol. BioSyst. 2012, 8, 2303–2311 
  34. Lin XM, Wang C, Guo C, Tian YM, Li H*, Peng XX*. Differential regulation of OmpC and OmpF by AtpB in Escherichia coli exposed to nalidixic acid and chlortetracycline. J Proteomics 2012,75:5898-5910
  35. Li PP, Liu XJ, Li H, Peng XX*. Downregulation of Na(+)–NQR complex is essential for Vibro Alginolyticus in resistance to balofloxacin. J Proteomics 2012; 75(4):2638-2648
  36. Yang JNWang CGuo CPeng XX, Li H*. Outer membrane proteome and its regulation networks in response to glucose concentration changes inEscherichia coliMol. Biosyst. 2011, 7:3087-3093
  37. Wang HB, Zhang ZX#, Li H#, He HB, Fang CX, Zhang AJ, Li QS, Chen RS, Guo XK, Lin HF, Wu LK, Lin S, Chen T, Lin RY, Peng XX, Lin WX*. characterization of metaproteomics in crop rhizospheric soil. J. Proteome Res. 2011,10:932-940
  38. Lin XM, Yang JN, Peng XX, Li H*. A novel negative regulation mechanism of bacterial outer membrane proteins in response to antibiotic resistance. J. Proteome Res. 2010, 9:5952-5959
  39. Pan JY, Li H#, Ma Y, Chen P, Zhao P, Wang SY, Peng XX*. Complexome of Escherichia coli envelope proteins under normal physiological conditions. J. Proteome Res. 2010, 9:3730–3740
  40. Xiong XP, Ye MZ, Peng XX, Li H*. Identification of vaccine candidates from differentially expressed outer membrane proteins of Vibrio alginolyticus in response to NaCl and iron-limitation. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2010, 29(5):810-816
  41. Li H, Ye MZ, Peng B, Wu HK, Xu CX, Xiong XP, Wang C, Wang SY, Peng XX*. Immunoproteomic identification of polyvalent vaccine candidates from Vibrio parahaemolyticus outer membrane proteins J. Proteome Res. 2010,9(5):2573-2583
  42. Xiong XP,Wang C,Ye MZ,Yang TC, Zhang Yl,Peng XX,Li H*. Differentially expressed outer membrane proteins of Vibrio alginolyticus in response to six types of antibiotics. Mar Biotech, 2010, 12 ( 6 ): 686-695 
  43. Li H, Xiong XP, Peng B, Xu CX, Ye MZ, Yang TC, Wang SY, and Peng XX*. Identification of broad cross-protective immunogens using heterogeneous antiserum-based immunoproteomic approach. J Proteome Res. 2009, 8:4342–4349
  44. Li H, Wang BC, Xu WJ, Lin XM, Peng XX*. Identification and network of outer membrane proteins regulating streptomysin-resistance inEscherichia coli. J Proteome Res. 2008,7:4040-4049
  45. Lin XM,Li H#,Wang C, Peng XX*. Proteomic analysis of nalidixic acid resistance in Escherichia coli: Identification and functional characterization of OM proteins. J Proteome Res. 2008, 7:2399–2405
  46. Lin XM, Wu LN, Li H, Peng XX*. Down-regulation of Tsx and OmpW and up-regulation of OmpX are required for iron homeostasis inEscherichia coli. J Proteome Res. 2008,7:1235-1243
  47. Li H, Lin XM, Wang SY, Peng XX*. Identification and antibody-therapeutic targeting of chloramphenicol-resistant outer membrane proteins inEscherichia coli. J. Proteome Res. 2007, 6:3628-3636